Hate is not the antithesis of love. Pride is. Hate is a distinct, strong emotion that is directly connected with love. You can never hate someone without loving him/her first, because it is exactly because you care for him/her, that's why you subsequently feel hatred towards that person. If you do not love a person, if you do not care for that person, then you won't give a damn about him/her, thus you will have no feelings towards him/her, be it hate or love. As much as caring is a product of love, I believe that apathy is an offspring of pride. And as much as love is the source of all goodness, pride for me is the source of all evil. And so, if God is Love, the Devil is Pride. Loving is putting God and other people first before one's self, whereas exhibiting pride is exalting one's self before everything else. A person's action, though important and also a determinant of one's personality, is second only to a person's intent. Therefore, someone who does som...