Project TILT: Kawasaki Syndrome

This was supposed to be my post for yesterday. However, since I have many TILT materials yesterday, I decided to post this topic for today. So tecchnically, this is not a TILT, rather a YILT (Yesterday, I learned that...). Hehe. Anyway, on to the topic.

Early this morning, my officemates and I were talking about one of our other officemate's child who is suspected to have Kawasaki Syndrome. Not knowing what this sickness is, we decided to check it out it the Internet. Salient points about it:

  • Symptoms:
    • Persistent fever higher than 39 degrees Celsius and lasting for more than 5 days
    • Severe redness in the eyes
    • Stomach, chest, or genital rash
    • Red, dry, cracked lips
    • Swollen nymph-nodes
  • Cause: unknown
  • Effect: if the symptoms are recognized early, fully recovery can be attained within a few days. Untreated, it can lead to serious complications that can affect the heart.
  • Other information: Most common among children of Japanese and Korean descent, but can affect all ethnic groups.


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